Wednesday 11 January 2012

Web Design 2 : Gantt chart, site map



Web Design 2 : Competitor Website

This website more finish and it does not have any effect 
which make this website more boring without any entertain
or interact with. Even thou the shopping look more expensive 
and luxury but the website does'n show any elegant or luxury type.
the typeface is good and the font is easy to read but the information 
is to long to read make the user lazy to read it all.

This website are more too jquery effect rather then interact or some 
information but the image which show the main important thing is
the cost, the bugdet of the brand and the latest brand for the user.
the composition layout is quick good but can be improve, and then 
navigation can be improve into more unique the font is good can be 
seen easily. the background color are more clean show the website 
food more clean even thou is belong to junk food.

This website are competitor to pavilion because of the level of the shopping center is 5 stars.
the website is abit old even thou is complete and the hierarchy is good, the typeface 
can be improve because of the website is to old and not interesting enough and
even thou it the background is empty with white but make it more empty.

The website is look interesting but still not enough interactive, the hierarchy is there but still 
the panel of the information and the search engine can be improve with different idea, the 
navigation bar is there but to small, and it really hard to see.

Web Design 2 : Beautiful website

Simple, balance between upper grid and below, more easy to 
recognize color mood are more on forest typeand more 
playful with the cartoon graphic on the background, the type
-face is more on fun and playful, very organize box on the below, the
navigation is more simple and easy to see.

Nice color background, show it more child time,
and clean navigation system is simple with the rollover 
ability, typeface is simple with hierarchy to show more
clean and easy to read.

Nice color scheme, clean background, more playful graphic
Good hierarchy, navigation bar is easy to recognize, the 
typeface used is simple too and more on friendly user.

Nice hierarchy with the type face, the background is clean and even thou 
empty, nice color scheme which is warm and cold, the composition layout is balance.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

How to....??

How to reduce the global warming effect by yourself?

Who is she/he = everyone

What for =  to teach people by using less energy by using  

1st task = (Reduce,reuse,recycle), (Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning), (change a bulb light)

2nd task = (drive less, drive smart), (Buy Energy-Efficient Products)

3rd task = (use less hot water), (use the "off" switch, plant a tree)
Outcome = encourage other people to conserve 

Showcase = Gallery


How to love someone who doesn't love you ?

Who is she/he =boys and girls

What for =  to teach people how to make some one love you

1st task = (visualize the good old memories), (keeping all the things that reminds them of 

2nd task = (never confront the person directly and so keep the door open for hope)

3rd task = (make something stupid to impress her), (ask her to go out for having dinner), 
                (when fetch her go home confess to her that you like her and you love her.) 
Outcome = win her heart to impress her and finally ask her to becoming your girlfriend

Showcase = Gallery


How to lose weight fast?

Who is she/he = everyone

What for =  to teach people how to lose weight fast

1st task =(drink plenty of water), (start your day with a glass of water, avoid crash diets)

2nd task = (when you decide it's time to working out,) (check your weight before you start 
                 your routine), (when you notice yourself a change, reward yourself.)

3rd task = (you can take a day off from every week), (exercise out doors as fast as 
Outcome = you will lose you weight and get a healthy body

Showcase = Gallery