Wednesday 14 September 2011

How to....??

How to reduce the global warming effect by yourself?

Who is she/he = everyone

What for =  to teach people by using less energy by using  

1st task = (Reduce,reuse,recycle), (Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning), (change a bulb light)

2nd task = (drive less, drive smart), (Buy Energy-Efficient Products)

3rd task = (use less hot water), (use the "off" switch, plant a tree)
Outcome = encourage other people to conserve 

Showcase = Gallery


How to love someone who doesn't love you ?

Who is she/he =boys and girls

What for =  to teach people how to make some one love you

1st task = (visualize the good old memories), (keeping all the things that reminds them of 

2nd task = (never confront the person directly and so keep the door open for hope)

3rd task = (make something stupid to impress her), (ask her to go out for having dinner), 
                (when fetch her go home confess to her that you like her and you love her.) 
Outcome = win her heart to impress her and finally ask her to becoming your girlfriend

Showcase = Gallery


How to lose weight fast?

Who is she/he = everyone

What for =  to teach people how to lose weight fast

1st task =(drink plenty of water), (start your day with a glass of water, avoid crash diets)

2nd task = (when you decide it's time to working out,) (check your weight before you start 
                 your routine), (when you notice yourself a change, reward yourself.)

3rd task = (you can take a day off from every week), (exercise out doors as fast as 
Outcome = you will lose you weight and get a healthy body

Showcase = Gallery

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